We want to make children eager to read!

Our Mission

KIAMOR Project is a nonprofit organization based in Alameda, California.

We believe that a literate child is the foundation of a thriving community. We want to make children eager to read!

The goal of Kiamor project is to install book stands in common locations where children tend to wait around. These locations include doctor and dentist offices, lobbies and more. We gather good books for low prices by finding them at garage sales or online. The books are targeted towards ages 4-7, and are organized neatly into a book stands. The book stands are aesthetically pleasing and compact, allowing them to work well with the space provided.

We hope to see all children eager to read, and increasing the availability of books to the youth is one small but vital step to making them want to read more.

Get Involved

Is your waiting area kid-friendly? If not, children's books are the answer. We can provide you an aesthetically pleasing and compact book stand filled with books. Increasing the availability of books to the youth is one small but vital step to making them want to read more and we hope that you will take that step with us. Please contact us to make an arrangement.

You can also support KIAMOR Project with a donation. KIAMOR Project is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and donations are tax deductible to the extent provided by current IRS tax laws and regulations (EIN #46-2882214).

We thank you for supporting our efforts.

Contact Us


875-a Island Drive 104
Alameda, CA 94502